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US troops bring Corona virus to Wuhan, China claims

The Chinese government has claimed that the Corona virus, affecting nearly half of the world's countries, is likely to have the US military brought the Chinese military to Wuhan.

This is the first time that the Chinese government has explicitly stated that it is possible for the Corona virus to be transmitted to China by the US, before many media houses and social media circulate news that 'America is the only one.' Corona virus was sent to China under a biological attack, however, no such US or Chinese official was cited in such reports.

There have been numerous theories and rumors related to the Corona virus on several websites and the Internet, claiming that the Corona virus is a product of China and the United States, and the two countries did so to avenge each other, but such rumors have been reported in China and US officials did not provide any explanation.

But now the Chinese Foreign Ministry has made a video of a meeting of the US Senate subcommittee, claiming that 'the US military actually brought the Corona virus to Wuhan, China.'

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Li Jian Xiao shared a video of the US Senate's 'Subcommittee on Infectious and Infectious Diseases' in a series of tweets, claiming that the video proves the Corona virus was first used in the United States. The report happened. '
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Li Jian Xiao shared 2 short videos of Robert Redfield, a representative of the US Health Organization's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), to the US Senate subcommittee in which he subcommittee Was reported to have reported the death of 'influenza' in the United States.

According to US broadcaster CNN, though, Robert Redfield admitted in the videos that the virus that caused the influenza death in the United States was subsequently named 'Novel Cod 19' Corona virus. It is unclear what the videos are of.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Robert Redfield said in his tweets using the statement as evidence that the 'CDC' official acknowledged that the virus was infected with the influenza virus in the United States, the report said. Was later renamed as the new Corona virus.

At the same time, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Department wrote that CDC officials are acknowledging that there were 20,000 deaths from influenza in the United States and that it affected 300 million people, but it is now clear that they How many of the influenza cases were the new corona virus?

In another tweet, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Li Jian Xiao asked the United States in which he asked for the names of all those affected by the virus in the United States, as well as the names of the hospitals where the victims were affected. The people were treated and the Chinese spokesperson also asked for the travel details of all these people.

At the same time, a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Department said that after the CDC official's words, it seems likely that the Corona virus could be brought to the Chinese city of Wuhan by the US military.
n fact, dozens of US Army athletes went to attend the military games in Wuhan in the Chinese city in October 2019, and some of them were affected by influenza, CNN reported.

It may be recalled that earlier in February 2020, two investigations by experts from the medical journal Nature China's Wuhan Institute of Virology and Fudan University of Shanghai and the Chinese Center for Disease and Prediction stated that the 'Corona virus' The city began with Wuhan's Sea Food Market. '

Research reports suggest that the new Corona virus, which spreads in China, looks similar to the SARS virus that emerged in the 2000s, and that both share 80% of the genetic code and that they both passed through bats.
However, both investigative reports could not prove which animal worked to transmit the new corona virus to humans, but it was told that further research was needed in this regard.

But now a spokeswoman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry claims the video of the US Senate subcommittee meeting as evidence, claiming that 'the Corona virus was actually the US military brought to the Chinese city of Wuhan', but China's statement is still Did not make a statement.
From the beginning of December 2019 to the corona virus in the afternoon of March 13, more than 115,000 people have been infected in more than 115 countries worldwide, of which 4,700 have died.

Although there is a clear decline in the spread of the Corona virus in China, the aforementioned virus is spreading rapidly to European countries, including the United States, and currently the most common virus is spreading to the United States and Italy.

The number of Corona virus patients in the United States is closer to 1200, while the number of virus cases in Italy is more than 12,000.

The World Health Organization called it a global outbreak on March 11, following the outbreak of the Corona virus, which tightened security measures around the world and canceled sports events, conferences, music festivals and public gatherings worldwide. Has been done
Corona virus now spreads to the US instead of China - Photo: AFP

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