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Nokia's first 5G phone likely to launch on March 19

Nokia's first 5G phone likely to launch on March 19

HMD Global announced the launch of an event March 19 in which Nokia phones will be introduced.
HMD Global Vice President Johu Cervicas said this in a tweet.
Nokia was supposed to be releasing new phones at the scheduled Mobile World Congress in Barcelona last month, but that event was canceled due to the Corona virus.

Now the event is being organized by the company on March 19, and the teaser shared in the tweet indicates that it is planning to introduce the James Bond edition, but it is difficult to say for sure.

But it is believed that the company will be offered the first 5G phone which will be Nokia 8.2.

The midrange phone can be powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 765 FiveG processor and a 32 megapixel popup selfie camera.

Nokia 5.2 is also expected to be introduced with this phone, which will be similar in design to Nokia 6.2, while Snapdragon 632 processor, 6GB RAM, 64GB storage and 4 back camera can be given.

In addition, the Nokia 1.3 entry-level phone can also be part of the event, while a classic phone from the past can be revived.

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