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Contigen :The 9-year-old movie's popularity with the Corona virus increases

Contigen:The 9-year-old movie's popularity with the Corona virus increases
The 9-year-old movie's popularity with the Corona virus increases
screen short

While the number of cases of corona virus has dropped significantly in China, the number of patients and deaths has increased in other countries of the world, such as Italy, South Korea, Iran, the UK and the United States.
As a result, a 9-year-old Hollywood movie has gone viral and this is due to the new novel corona virus and its cause, Code 19.
Director Steven Soderbergh's 2011 thriller 'Contigen' got a new life in January as a result of the Corona virus, and now it has once again topped the movie rental charts with the rise in cases and deaths in the United States.In fact, the film is surprisingly similar to the spread of the Corona virus.

The outbreak of the Corona virus has sparked people's curiosity about the film, a legendary global pandemic that kills more than two million people worldwide.

According to the film-releasing studio Warner Brothers, the film ranked 270th in its catalog titles in December last year, but has jumped to the second spot since the beginning of 2020, and just ahead of the Harry Potter movies. Are.

The film is also on the top 10 list of Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.

It is thought that more than 3,000 people have been killed by the Corona virus so far, while it is spreading to different countries of the world, the World Health Organization declared it a public health emergency at the end of January.

It seems that people want to know the extent to which the virus can be affected globally and for that they are turning to movies, the only difference is that the virus shown in the congestion is more dead than coding 19. Was lewd.

According to the film's producer Michael Schamberg, 'We did not try to frighten people that they were going to die, we tried to make people fear that they should do something further, to warn them deliberately. Is a film designed for science, we have shown science in the right way. '

The film begins with a woman who returns from Hong Kong to Minnesota with a strange disease, dies in a few days, after which her husband and others show the same symptoms, but worldwide. The epidemic spreads.

The film shows a glimpse of the worst scenes of how rumors and worries spread and society's lives are adversely affected, with scenes of looting and empty airports spiraling into the backbone.

The cast of the film is also great - including Matt Damien, Kate Winslet, Judy La, Loren Fishburne, Marion Cotillard and Brian Cranston.

Barry Jenks, writer and director of the Oscar-winning film Moonlight, who won the 2017 Oscar Award, spent $ 13 and watched the film again, explaining the reason for this: 'I had curiosity about the current situation in the film How accurate, and she was about to shake the film, I felt like I was watching a documentary in which all the movie stars are real human beings, it scared me. '

In the movie, the virus was named MEV1, which originates in Asia and is easily transmitted by touching something contaminated (after watching this you may also feel the door knob. Ho), the first sign of which was cough.

The film shows how people become socially isolated and routinely change lives, while scientists have been shown to try and succeed in the preparation of the vaccine, while also spreading conspiracy theories such as Happens in today's world too, and it looks like the movie has just been released.

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